quinta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2024

Connecting the Dots on Consciousness States

Connecting the Dots on Consciousness States

by Steve Beckow

Posted on February 7, 2024

Nothing but sattwa: Amelia, Kathleen’s grand-daughter

Please consider this an essay in cross-cultural spirituality. I link up western and eastern perspectives on consciousness states.

My hypothesis is that what I’m calling, after Eric Berne with changes, (1) the Adult consciousness state is the same state of consciousness that Hindus call sattwa or purity. Feel free to skip this article if it doesn’t interest you.

As pleasant as it is, my Adult is still a consciousness state. It’s a state that’s more divine than either the critical Parent or the wounded Child. But it’s still a state.

The situation appears similar to that with sattwa guna. The gunas are the cosmic forces, three of the Mother’s instruments in creating, preserving, and transforming. (2) Sattwa guna is preservative.

Sattwa is purity, and as much of all the divine qualities as a 3/4D human can hold without bursting its bonds of flesh.

Amelia perfectly illustrates it.

An avatar will be born sattwic. They are pure enough to hold that energy. When we see a sattwic individual, we might be drawn short.

Yes, Amelia. Drawn short.

I saw one in a Vancouver drugstore back around 2014.  I was sure he was a galactic, he was such a natural gentleman. I told Kathleen about him at the time.

I was drawn short and just watched him, gawking you could say. Very sattwic. Like a noble knight. Like the vision of my Universal Self I once had. (3)

But sattwa is still within the Third/Fourth Dimension.  We want to go beyond that.


I hypothesize that sattwa and the Adult consciousness state are one and the same. One cannot be in sattwa and not be in the Adult consciousness state; what the individual thinks and does in the Adult consciousness state is sattwic.  Both share balance, purity, love.

The two of them, supposing they were different in some way, may turn out to be the price of admission to the higher realms. Ye must be as a child, sattwic or pure, to enter the kingdom of heaven. But not as a wounded Child. Around that ye must be as an Adult.

Certainly this state and this character will prove to be extremely-important instruments for going beyond. But not the final destination.

In fact by the time First Contact comes along, we’ll have to have realized that our star family finds the conditions within which we live to be often difficult to manage. Gosh, I said that diplomatically.

They have to clean themselves thoroughly before they rejoin their starship colleagues. Nuff said on that.

But if we add to “that,” the noxious fumes of anger, jealousy, hatred – the baser feelings – we drive them away.

So not only are our bodies adapting to the demands of a higher vibration, but we ourselves are cleansing our minds of our hatreds, resentments, malintentions, etc. Both are necessary.

It’s said that some people stall and get stuck in sattwa.  They settle for satisfaction and comfort. Others have a mission, say, in business and can be described as partly sattwic (or pure) and partly rajasic (or busy, active). They’re often described as sattwo-rajasic.

Finally, there is no right or wrong about all this. It’s like Westworld. Some people are in another realm of Westworld than we are. Others are just entering. We’re all at different places in the same Westworld.

We’re all of us at different places but on the same one journey – from God to God.


(1) In Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships. London: Penguin, 1964. Berne called the three – Parent, Adult, and Child – “ego states.” “Ego” means “I” in Latin. I consider “consciousness state” to be somewhat more commonly accepted in today’s discussions.

(2) It may be that the gunas work through AUM. Akar is creative; Ukar is preservative; and Makar is transformative.

I cite the correspondences I’ve been able to make so far and have confirmed:

Steve: I’ve read part of this quote to the Divine Mother. She’s verified it but I’ve added things to it. So I’d like to read it to you again and ask if it is correct:

Creation, preservation, and transformation = rajas, sattwa, and thamas [the gunas] = Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva [the Trimurthy] = Akar, Ukar and Makar [AUM] = inbreath, pause, and outbreath.

Archangel Michael: That is quite the expression, Sweet One, and, in that tradition and in that understanding, the answer is correct.

Steve: It is not discussed in other traditions.

AAM: No, it is not. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 2, 2020.)

(3) See “‘Is This What You’re Looking for?’ – Part 1/2,” August 21, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/08/21/289210/

Steve Beckow



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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